Posts Tagged ‘benefit’
Feeling Like You Can’t Afford Your Policy?
When budgets get tight it’s easy to start thinking about what you can cut first. For some, life insurance can be at the top of that list. It’s not a tangible item; you can’t see it and you probably don’t think about it daily. Before you cut the cord, think about these things first. It’s…
Read More about Feeling Like You Can’t Afford Your Policy?Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?
You can only learn so much about a product from a brochure or website and you know that every company has a Marketing Team working hard behind the scenes to position their product or service in the best light possible. How can we, the consumer, really determine whether a product is, or is not, for…
Read More about Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?Disability Insurance: Protecting Your Way of Life
As a twenty-nine year old, protecting myself from a disability didn’t even make my priority list; I can honestly say that it was not even something I had given a second thought. That was until I listened to Robert’s story . . . It was the most wonderful time of the year. Each year, mid-November,…
Read More about Disability Insurance: Protecting Your Way of LifeI Am Retiring Happy; You Can Too!
Each day, approximately ten thousand baby boomers celebrate their 65th Birthday. The age of 65 is most commonly recognized as “the age of retirement”; however, boomers are taking a different approach. While retirement used to mean the end of one’s working years, we now see a growing number of Americans working beyond the age of…
Read More about I Am Retiring Happy; You Can Too!Parents: How can life insurance help ensure that your children fulfill their dreams?
No matter what the circumstances, the life of a parent is never easy. You are not only mom or dad; you are their teacher, coach, cheerleader, chef, driver, listener, supporter, nurse, and financial provider. You rarely wear just one of these hats but find yourself juggling many at the same time. No matter what hat, or…
Read More about Parents: How can life insurance help ensure that your children fulfill their dreams?Awareness and Preparedness: Providing Hope in The Fight Against Breast Cancer
The annual walk and candlelight memorial at the Aventura Hospital & Medical Center is just shy of the one year mark for which my mother lost her battle to breast cancer. We gather to celebrate life and promote continued awareness of breast cancer prevention. In my mother’s case, we never saw the warning signs. She…
Read More about Awareness and Preparedness: Providing Hope in The Fight Against Breast CancerI’m Healthy as a Horse! Breaking the Myths Associated with Critical Illness Insurance
Would you like to feel confident that you will be able to manage the escalating cost of healthcare and have the protection you need if something were to happen to you? Of course, we would all like to think that we are immune from becoming critically ill. These feelings lead to many common misconceptions regarding…
Read More about I’m Healthy as a Horse! Breaking the Myths Associated with Critical Illness InsuranceHow can life insurance help me start a business?
“How can I help protect your family today?” Lisa took this greeting seriously. As a Customer Assistance Representative at PFP | The Family Security Plan®, she knew that the products offered to the community provided families with a tremendous benefit. It was her responsibility to answer any questions they may have and to assist them…
Read More about How can life insurance help me start a business?PFP | The Family Security Plan®: Support and Guidance When You Need it Most
While Michelle commutes to St. Sophia’s Hospital, she reflects on the challenges she faced this year. As a 27-year-old RN, Michelle handles medical crisis every day and helps families deal with their grief and recovery. She never thought that she would need the same support she gave. Michelle married Jason, her high school sweet heart,…
Read More about PFP | The Family Security Plan®: Support and Guidance When You Need it MostTO BE PREPARED IS HALF THE VICTORY – Special Needs Planning
Planning for the future well-being of your children is a difficult task for any parent. Add the complexity of adequately providing for the future care of a child with special needs and the process becomes even more challenging. Any special needs plan requires thought and multiple use of resources. Many of us say. “Where do…
Read More about TO BE PREPARED IS HALF THE VICTORY – Special Needs Planning