Do It For The Ones You Love

My wedding. The happiest day of my life. I married my best friend and danced the night away with a mid-size group of family and friends. What did I really know about marriage? Not a whole lot! Of course I factored changing my name, moving in together, picking out furniture, and kids down the road into…

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You Can’t Predict The Future

What will tomorrow bring?  Will this be a good year?  What do the next five years look like?  These are questions many of us ask ourselves each day. If you knew what the future had in store would you live your life differently?  Maybe you would spend more time with your family, pick up a new…

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Who does your heart beat for?

If you were asked “who does your heart beat for” what would your answer be? Your child? Your spouse? Your parents? Love is so more than a simple emotion. It’s all the little things you do each and every day for your loved ones: The care you take making your child’s lunch in the morning…

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What Are You Thankful For?

During the holiday season, it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle all around. Whether it’s making sure you have the perfect gift for your favorite aunt or getting all the fixings for the big holiday meal, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for what you already have. This year, we…

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June is Men’s Health Month!

June is Men’s Health Month: a global effort to raise awareness on men’s health issues. Why is it so important to dedicate time to raise awareness regarding men’s health? 12.1 percent of men 18 years and over are in fair or poor health.* The trend of fair/poor health in adult men is due to a…

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Are You Prepared to Retire Cold Turkey? Semi-Retirement and Part-Time Employment

If you are approaching the Golden Age of Retirement, chances are you have dedicated a significant number of years to the workforce. The transition of working full-time to the life of a retiree can be an abrupt and difficult change. Will you have enough to occupy your time? Is your Retirement savings adequate for maintaining…

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