Do It For The Ones You Love
My wedding. The happiest day of my life. I married my best friend and danced the night away with a mid-size group of family and friends.

What did I really know about marriage? Not a whole lot! Of course I factored changing my name, moving in together, picking out furniture, and kids down the road into the equation; however, the entire package of marriage would be something we would need to learn together.
Summer came quickly for us. We were excited to be purchasing a new home. We were shopping for furniture. So many new expenses to handle together!
A few days into the hot summer month, I began to notice a slight twinge of pain in my right side. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, I thought to myself; It’s nothing. I went to work for the next three days, the pain a bit stronger every day.
It’s time to go to the hospital; I yelled out to my husband. The rest of the night was a blur.
I knew something was wrong when I heard the nurse say, “Your Doctor is on his way in, we will be prepping you for emergency surgery and you should be ready to go in about fifteen minutes”.
It was in that trauma room that I became overwhelmed with fear. I may not make it out of here. What about my husband? My dog? Who will take care of them? The thoughts swirled through my head as I drifted in and out of consciousness.
Recovery . . . I made it! Not yet breathing on my own but out of trauma, opening my eyes to the smiling face of my husband who looked as if he had not slept in months.
As I reflect back on the nightmare that took place just two months after marriage, I think to myself: I never prepared for something like this to happen.
Facing our own mortality is an uncomfortable thought.
I didn't plan on this crisis. Well, we never know when the unexpected will happen. Why did I not have life insurance? The deduction from my paycheck seemed so insignificant when I think of the struggles my family would have endured if I was to pass.
Thoughts raced through my mind:
Our New House
Without my income, the possibility of keeping our dream home would have been impossible for my husband if I passed away.
We just paid for a wedding, where would the money come from to help my family pay for a proper funeral?
- My husband was planning on going back to school full-time. Without a dual income, his dream to do that would be just that . . . a dream
My husband would have to pay for my debts.
I know why I didn’t have life insurance: I am 28-years old, healthy, and would rather pay for a cup of coffee than have a life insurance premium deducted from my paycheck.
That cup of coffee doesn’t seem so important anymore. . .
We buy life insurance for the ones we love. . . it should be called "love insurance"!
William and I did just that.
We are here for you!
The Family Security Plan’s® Whole Life Insurance provides the security you need and the protection you can afford. For more information on how The Family Security Plan®'s portfolio of insurance products can provide financial security to your family, we are here for you.
For more information on Whole Life Insurance, please click here or call 855-789-4976 for a personal consultation with a dedicated The Family Security Plan® Representative.