Posts Tagged ‘trust’
“I’ve Got This” (A business man’s double edged sword)
Leaders display confidence in the face of challenge. I’ve got this. Teammates step up and ‘do’. They jump in when needed. I’ve got this. If you are talking about ‘my area,’ I’ve got this. I will let you know if I need help. In all that we do, we hear the words echo on conference…
Read More about “I’ve Got This” (A business man’s double edged sword)Millennials migrate to credit unions . . . and away from banks!
The housing bubble burst, Lehman Brothers collapsed and the 2007/2008 financial crisis had Americans looking for alternative financial service solutions. Where would they turn? In the years following the 21st century’s largest financial crisis thus far, Americans sought out businesses they could trust, build relationships with and attain a feeling of security. Americans sought out…
Read More about Millennials migrate to credit unions . . . and away from banks!We Believe in PFP | The Family Security Plan® Take Two!
We believe in PFP | The Family Security Plan® Take Two! At PFP | The Family Security Plan®, we pride ourselves on being a fun, family oriented company. Our people are what make the difference. We asked our team what they believe in. We shared those responses with you in a previous post, We Believe…
Read More about We Believe in PFP | The Family Security Plan® Take Two!Who Owns More Than One Life Insurance Policy?
It is raining outside and your car is parked at the back of the lot, about ¼ of a mile away! You are lucky because you have your rain coat on and your umbrella in your hand. You are prepared. And as you step into the foyer, you hold your umbrella with confidence in your hand and…
Read More about Who Owns More Than One Life Insurance Policy?We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!
The greatest companies to trust are the ones that have a unifying core belief. The people who work in these companies wake up in the morning with an unsaid mission that drives them forward and brings them closer to their true purpose. That is exactly why PFP | The Family Security Plan® team is special. …
Read More about We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?
You can only learn so much about a product from a brochure or website and you know that every company has a Marketing Team working hard behind the scenes to position their product or service in the best light possible. How can we, the consumer, really determine whether a product is, or is not, for…
Read More about Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?Identity Theft…How many times has it happened to you?
When my son Jake called me and told me his debit card number had been stolen, I asked him how he knew. “I got an email that asked me to confirm a couple of weird transactions. I didn’t make them. So my card has been cancelled and they are mailing me another one right to…
Read More about Identity Theft…How many times has it happened to you?Making My Way as a Millennial: Part 1
Born in the mid-1980’s, I am one of approximately 80 million Millennials, or Gen-Yers, living in the United States. Does this generational subset define who I am, my wants and preferences? To a certain extent . . . Yes. There is no denying that the high levels of unemployment and student loan debt coupled with…
Read More about Making My Way as a Millennial: Part 1Summertime and the living is easy . . . isn’t it?
When you think of summer, picnics, flip-flops, lemonade stands, no school, playing outside and summer camp, are just a few of the things that may come to mind! Summertime and the living is easy . . . isn’t it? Did you know The National Safe Kids Campaign estimates that “one in four kids ages 14 and younger…
Read More about Summertime and the living is easy . . . isn’t it?