Posts Tagged ‘savings’
Financial Fitness – You can do it!
We all know we should do more to improve our financial fitness: save a little more, create a budget (and, more importantly, stick to it!) and plan for retirement. We understand that getting started can be a little scary, so we’re here with some helpful tips to get you on the path to financial success!…
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Is Your Disability Insurance Enough? As a professional, your ability to work and earn a living is your greatest asset and you should protect it. So, if you have group disability benefits at work or a small supplemental policy, is it enough to protect you in the event of a long-term illness or injury? You…
Read More about Is Your Disability Insurance Enough?Millennials migrate to credit unions . . . and away from banks!
The housing bubble burst, Lehman Brothers collapsed and the 2007/2008 financial crisis had Americans looking for alternative financial service solutions. Where would they turn? In the years following the 21st century’s largest financial crisis thus far, Americans sought out businesses they could trust, build relationships with and attain a feeling of security. Americans sought out…
Read More about Millennials migrate to credit unions . . . and away from banks!The Greatest Financial Decision I’ve Made? Joining a Credit Union!
When I was young, my parents taught me to make smart choices about money. As a child, I collected coins I found, saved my babysitting money and stretched my birthday money to make sure I got the most out of every dollar. These lessons helped me to make one of the greatest financial decisions I…
Read More about The Greatest Financial Decision I’ve Made? Joining a Credit Union!First Time Home Buyers: Making A House A Home
Buying your first house is a huge step. You will have to mow your lawn and rake your leaves, replace your oven if it breaks and, most importantly, have a plan for any unexpected expenses. There are many things to consider when buying your first house, and it can be overwhelming. Taking it one step…
Read More about First Time Home Buyers: Making A House A HomeAre You Prepared to Retire Cold Turkey? Semi-Retirement and Part-Time Employment
If you are approaching the Golden Age of Retirement, chances are you have dedicated a significant number of years to the workforce. The transition of working full-time to the life of a retiree can be an abrupt and difficult change. Will you have enough to occupy your time? Is your Retirement savings adequate for maintaining…
Read More about Are You Prepared to Retire Cold Turkey? Semi-Retirement and Part-Time EmploymentI Am Retiring Happy; You Can Too!
Each day, approximately ten thousand baby boomers celebrate their 65th Birthday. The age of 65 is most commonly recognized as “the age of retirement”; however, boomers are taking a different approach. While retirement used to mean the end of one’s working years, we now see a growing number of Americans working beyond the age of…
Read More about I Am Retiring Happy; You Can Too!Lessons in Saving: What I've Learned Throughout My 20s
It seems like just yesterday I was surrounded by family and friends belting out the traditional “Happy Birthday” song to commemorate my 21st birthday. Time does fly! Now, a year and a half away from my next milestone, I find myself with a growing list of responsibilities and the uplifting feeling of independence. No matter…
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Would you like to feel confident that you will be able to manage the escalating cost of healthcare and have the protection you need if something were to happen to you? Of course, we would all like to think that we are immune from becoming critically ill. These feelings lead to many common misconceptions regarding…
Read More about I’m Healthy as a Horse! Breaking the Myths Associated with Critical Illness InsuranceMaking My Way as a Millennial: Part 2
This is Part Two of a two-part series documenting my journey as a millennial! To read Part One, please click here. Join me as I continue to Make My Way as a Millennial! Goal 2: Find the right job. I always dreamed that one day I would change the world; however, given my inability to…
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