Posts Tagged ‘challenge’
Are You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich Generation
An increasing number of Americans between the ages of 45 to 65 years find themselves caught in the challenging position of caring for their aging parents, while also raising their children or grandchildren. If you belong to this “sandwich generation” it can be a difficult juggling act. Are You Being Squeezed? Everyone’s family situation…
Read More about Are You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich GenerationPFP | The Family Security Plan®: Support and Guidance When You Need it Most
While Michelle commutes to St. Sophia’s Hospital, she reflects on the challenges she faced this year. As a 27-year-old RN, Michelle handles medical crisis every day and helps families deal with their grief and recovery. She never thought that she would need the same support she gave. Michelle married Jason, her high school sweet heart,…
Read More about PFP | The Family Security Plan®: Support and Guidance When You Need it MostTO BE PREPARED IS HALF THE VICTORY – Special Needs Planning
Planning for the future well-being of your children is a difficult task for any parent. Add the complexity of adequately providing for the future care of a child with special needs and the process becomes even more challenging. Any special needs plan requires thought and multiple use of resources. Many of us say. “Where do…
Read More about TO BE PREPARED IS HALF THE VICTORY – Special Needs PlanningYour Career: Is It Time For a Change?
As an 18-year old going off to college for the first time are you really prepared to answer the question, “What do you want to do with your life?” For many college students, making new friends, cheering on the school’s sports teams, and staying out late on a school night, top the bucket list. Flash…
Read More about Your Career: Is It Time For a Change?The Definition of Uplift? To Make (someone) Happy or Hopeful
The definition of uplift? To make (someone) happy or hopeful. To lift (something) up : to raise (something) to a higher position. Think about that. Isn’t it something that we all want out of life? We live in fast times. The age of the internet, the pace of technology, pushing us faster and further every…
Read More about The Definition of Uplift? To Make (someone) Happy or Hopeful