Posts Tagged ‘comfort’
Protection comes in all shapes and sizes
Life insurance. You’ve probably heard the reasons for having it: help your loved ones pay off your debts set up a college fund for your kids allow you be a part of your families’ big moments, even if you can’t physically be there cover the cost of the expenses associated with a funeral or burial…
Read More about Protection comes in all shapes and sizesIf they need you, you need The Family Security Plan
If they need you . . . Who are we referring to? Children. Grandchildren. Parents. Spouse. The people in your life that depend on you! Let’s narrow the focus to our children . . . Children depend on us for more than just the physiological; we are responsible for instilling self-esteem, comforting them with feelings…
Read More about If they need you, you need The Family Security PlanThe most important gifts don’t need a bow
Giving thanks is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season. As we pack up the last of the turkey and stuffing, the same thought crosses the mind of many parents . . . the clock is ticking, shopping season has begun! Store flyers go flying and shoppers flock to malls, big box stores…
Read More about The most important gifts don’t need a bowWhat Are You Thankful For?
During the holiday season, it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle all around. Whether it’s making sure you have the perfect gift for your favorite aunt or getting all the fixings for the big holiday meal, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for what you already have. This year, we…
Read More about What Are You Thankful For?