Posts Tagged ‘social media’
"Millennials are always on social media and using technology" . . I proudly agree!
We’ve all heard it. Millennials are always on social media and using technology. As a millennial, I’ve always balked at this statement, thinking this doesn’t apply to me. I barely use social media. However, the more I thought about it, I realized it was true. While the statement has a negative connotation, social media and…
Read More about "Millennials are always on social media and using technology" . . I proudly agree!Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?
You can only learn so much about a product from a brochure or website and you know that every company has a Marketing Team working hard behind the scenes to position their product or service in the best light possible. How can we, the consumer, really determine whether a product is, or is not, for…
Read More about Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?Who Am I?
I am one of 43 million Americans (US Census) I have experienced recessions, booms, bubbles, crisis and maybe even a depression I am capable of interacting on social media but prefer face to face communication I like programs and products designed specifically for my needs I am highly skilled, experienced and valuable in the work…
Read More about Who Am I?The Importance of Personal Connection
Connections in the Credit Union Industry take on many forms. To name a few, credit unions must focus on building member connections, creating new and maintaining long-lasting employer group connections and connecting with the community in which business is conducted. Each of the aforementioned connections take time to build and nurture; staying connected with them…
Read More about The Importance of Personal ConnectionBuild the Best Reputation!
Many adults recently began a new job. The newest members of the workforce have an entire career ahead of them to shape. If this is you: Will you learn everything quickly? Will you be on time every day? Will you pay attention to details? Will you be a good “team” player? Will you demonstrate the…
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