Posts Tagged ‘cost’
Why is life insurance so important for you and your family?
I don’t need more life insurance because… …I have coverage through my job …I don’t have a mortgage …I don’t have any children or my children don’t live with me anymore …My children are grown and don’t live with me anymore …I can’t afford it Do any of these sound familiar? These are some of…
Read More about Why is life insurance so important for you and your family?Protection comes in all shapes and sizes
Life insurance. You’ve probably heard the reasons for having it: help your loved ones pay off your debts set up a college fund for your kids allow you be a part of your families’ big moments, even if you can’t physically be there cover the cost of the expenses associated with a funeral or burial…
Read More about Protection comes in all shapes and sizesWill you stand up to breast cancer?
Breast cancer. Those two little words can hold tremendous power. They can invoke feelings of fear, dread, sadness and, surprisingly, inspiration. My grandmother, “Nana,” was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1984 at the age of 56, about a year before I was born. She was in remission for 7 years before the cancer came back. Despite…
Read More about Will you stand up to breast cancer?First Time Home Buyers: Making A House A Home
Buying your first house is a huge step. You will have to mow your lawn and rake your leaves, replace your oven if it breaks and, most importantly, have a plan for any unexpected expenses. There are many things to consider when buying your first house, and it can be overwhelming. Taking it one step…
Read More about First Time Home Buyers: Making A House A HomeI’m Healthy as a Horse! Breaking the Myths Associated with Critical Illness Insurance
Would you like to feel confident that you will be able to manage the escalating cost of healthcare and have the protection you need if something were to happen to you? Of course, we would all like to think that we are immune from becoming critically ill. These feelings lead to many common misconceptions regarding…
Read More about I’m Healthy as a Horse! Breaking the Myths Associated with Critical Illness InsuranceAdventures in Wedding Planning: How to Say “I Don’t” to Stay on Budget
The surprise of the engagement, the excitement, the hugs and “Congratulations” all lead to one thing. . . planning the wedding! For those of you who are in that spot right now, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS! I was in your shoes two years ago, Christmas morning, when my boyfriend popped the long-awaited question! I, like…
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