New Year…New (Financial) Me

Each New Year’s the clock strikes midnight and we all vow to stick to our New Year’s resolution. How many of us actually do? The truth is, only 9% of people achieve their New Year’s resolution.*
Resolutions are easiest to stick to when they are realistic. Resolutions are also easier when they can benefit and improve your life. This year make it a goal to focus on your finances!

10 Financial Resolutions for the new year
Identify Your Goals: Start with the basics! Do you want to save for a new car or a vacation? Maybe you want to stick to a budget finally or pay off a credit card. Identify your goal so you can stick to it.
Create a Budget: Budgets don’t have to be scary, and the great thing is that there are now many free apps available to help. A budget is a great way to see where your money actually goes and where you can cut costs and save.
Eat Home More: How much do you eat out? It may not be a ton, but the truth is, by the end of the month it adds up! Try cooking at home more, shop the sales and experiment. Who knows, you may pick up a new skill in the process!
Contribute to Your 401K: This is an easy one, if you haven’t started, now is the time! And if the company you work for offers some sort of match then what are you waiting for?
Start Paying off Debt: Do you have a couple credit cards you have wanted to pay off or a loan? Make 2024 the year you do it! For multiple credit cards start with the highest interest rate or balance and go from there.
Shop the Sales: Buy your big ticket items when they are on sale. Do your research… for instance, if you need a new air conditioner, try and hold out until August when they are typically on sale. Is it time for a new TV? February is your month. Also look for stores with coupons, loyalty rewards or discounts. Remember to check your email inbox for additional rewards too.
Learn More About Money: Is there something about money that leaves you confused? Make it a goal to read one book on the subject matter. Education = power!
Consider a Side Gig: If what you are currently earning isn’t enough consider something on the side. You can drive for Uber, grocery shop for Instacart, sell your old items on eBay or your homemade creations on Etsy. The possibilities are endless.
Think About Your Financial Future: Contribute to your 401K, open an IRA or review your insurance. What changes happened in the past year? It’s a great time to look at your policy to make sure you are fully covered.
Don’t Give Up: Falling off the wagon doesn’t mean you can’t try again. If you have a setback don’t give up, get right back at it! There are no rules; this is your (financial) life!