Posts Tagged ‘service’
What Are You Thankful For?
During the holiday season, it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle all around. Whether it’s making sure you have the perfect gift for your favorite aunt or getting all the fixings for the big holiday meal, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for what you already have. This year, we…
Read More about What Are You Thankful For?We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!
The greatest companies to trust are the ones that have a unifying core belief. The people who work in these companies wake up in the morning with an unsaid mission that drives them forward and brings them closer to their true purpose. That is exactly why PFP | The Family Security Plan® team is special. …
Read More about We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?
You can only learn so much about a product from a brochure or website and you know that every company has a Marketing Team working hard behind the scenes to position their product or service in the best light possible. How can we, the consumer, really determine whether a product is, or is not, for…
Read More about Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?Who Am I?
I am one of 43 million Americans (US Census) I have experienced recessions, booms, bubbles, crisis and maybe even a depression I am capable of interacting on social media but prefer face to face communication I like programs and products designed specifically for my needs I am highly skilled, experienced and valuable in the work…
Read More about Who Am I?12 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 3
(PART III OF A THREE PART SERIES) What does a month-long celebration on financial literacy look like? For many, that is hard to imagine. However, for those following PFP | The Family Security Plan® Community, the picture is becoming clear. We have already reviewed the concepts of earning, borrowing, saving and spending in prior…
Read More about 12 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 312 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 2
(PART II OF A THREE PART SERIES) Are you someone focused on saving your money? Or are you someone with a burning desire to spend? These two personality types merge in today’s blog as we uncover some of the most fundamental strategies to gain financial freedom, which simply means having financial CHOICES every day of…
Read More about 12 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 2