Why is Life Insurance So Important?

When you think about the future, what comes to mind? You must think of your loved ones…their graduations, marriages, children and all the other wonderful milestones ahead of them. But do you think about what would happen to them if the unexpected were to happen to you? That’s where life insurance comes in, and this is why it’s so important.
Your Loved Ones Future
Your life insurance policy will help your loved ones maintain their standard of living should something happen to you. They will have help paying for what they need whether it’s short-term like outstanding bills or long-term like financing college. Your loved ones will be able to move on without having their finances significantly impacted.
Debts Left Behind
Most everyone has some sort of a debt, whether it’s as small as a credit card or as big as a mortgage. Unfortunately when you pass those debts don’t pass too, someone has to pay them. Your life insurance policy can help ease that burden on those you leave behind.
A Loan If the Unexpected Happens
One of the best parts about a PFP | The Family Security Plan® Whole Life Insurance policy is that you can take a loan on your policy should the unexpected happen.¹ Life happens and it’s unpredictable; your policy can provide a safety net to help in a situation you didn’t expect.
Funeral Expenses Are Pricey
Funerals today can cost anywhere from $7,000 to $20,000. This is a big expense to put on your loved ones. Your Whole Life Insurance policy can help!
¹Loans from the policy will reduce the death benefit and cash surrender value and may cause the policy to lapse. See your policy’s loan section for details.