Posts Tagged ‘stress’
Who does your heart beat for?
If you were asked “who does your heart beat for” what would your answer be? Your child? Your spouse? Your parents? Love is so more than a simple emotion. It’s all the little things you do each and every day for your loved ones: The care you take making your child’s lunch in the morning…
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Live the life you love. Love the life you live. These two statements look very similar but do they hold the same meaning? These two statements have been going through my mind a lot over this past week as my family and I mourned the loss, and celebrated the life, of my uncle.…
Read More about Live The Life You Love. Love The Life You Live.We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!
The greatest companies to trust are the ones that have a unifying core belief. The people who work in these companies wake up in the morning with an unsaid mission that drives them forward and brings them closer to their true purpose. That is exactly why PFP | The Family Security Plan® team is special. …
Read More about We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!What Troubles Most College Graduates?
Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment. Working hard throughout the college undergraduate curriculum is commendable. However, what happens after the commencement ceremony ends and the final piece of confetti hits the floor? This is where post graduates find themselves in an unfamiliar situation. It may feel like the previous three summers where you go…
Read More about What Troubles Most College Graduates?Lessons in Saving: What I've Learned Throughout My 20s
It seems like just yesterday I was surrounded by family and friends belting out the traditional “Happy Birthday” song to commemorate my 21st birthday. Time does fly! Now, a year and a half away from my next milestone, I find myself with a growing list of responsibilities and the uplifting feeling of independence. No matter…
Read More about Lessons in Saving: What I've Learned Throughout My 20sAre You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich Generation
An increasing number of Americans between the ages of 45 to 65 years find themselves caught in the challenging position of caring for their aging parents, while also raising their children or grandchildren. If you belong to this “sandwich generation” it can be a difficult juggling act. Are You Being Squeezed? Everyone’s family situation…
Read More about Are You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich Generation