Posts Tagged ‘security’
We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!
The greatest companies to trust are the ones that have a unifying core belief. The people who work in these companies wake up in the morning with an unsaid mission that drives them forward and brings them closer to their true purpose. That is exactly why PFP | The Family Security Plan® team is special. …
Read More about We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!Don’t Fall Victim to Financial Abuse
In 2011 alone it is estimated that 2.9 billion dollars were lost by the senior market due to financial abuse, or fraud. What is even more alarming is that this number is on a steady incline over previous years. Why is the senior market a growing target for financial scams? The answer is obvious; seniors…
Read More about Don’t Fall Victim to Financial AbuseOwn Your Own Uniqueness: Here’s To Living The Best Life Ever!
Are you a woman who has reached mid life and now you are suddenly thinking where did the time go to? From getting through school, to getting married, to having children, to getting divorced or widowed, to taking care of your parents. No one would disagree that women go through lots of challenges and transitions. …
Read More about Own Your Own Uniqueness: Here’s To Living The Best Life Ever!Play Ball! Keeping Your Young Athlete Safe
Spring & summer sports seasons are upon us and what’s more fun than going to watch your little leaguers at the ball park? As the weather warms and the school year wraps up, kids want to get outside and be active! Whether they are at camp, playing home-run derby with neighborhood kids, or participating in…
Read More about Play Ball! Keeping Your Young Athlete SafeWhen History Repeats Itself, Where Should We Turn?
Some things have changed since the Great Depression, Some Things Remain The Same. An economic “downturn” does not need a name to have an impact on everyone. Call it a “Recession”, call it a “Depression”, who cares what it is called. It signifies tough financial times for many. So let us take a minute and…
Read More about When History Repeats Itself, Where Should We Turn?12 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 2
(PART II OF A THREE PART SERIES) Are you someone focused on saving your money? Or are you someone with a burning desire to spend? These two personality types merge in today’s blog as we uncover some of the most fundamental strategies to gain financial freedom, which simply means having financial CHOICES every day of…
Read More about 12 Steps Towards Your Financial Freedom: Part 2Build the Best Reputation!
Many adults recently began a new job. The newest members of the workforce have an entire career ahead of them to shape. If this is you: Will you learn everything quickly? Will you be on time every day? Will you pay attention to details? Will you be a good “team” player? Will you demonstrate the…
Read More about Build the Best Reputation!Graduation Day! Honoring One Mom’s Great Decision!
It was a tremendous day in May 2010 when Darryl graduated from High School. As his mother cried tears of joy, she was even more thrilled to imagine that her son was going to college next year. Darryl was the first person in her family to get into a school and attend. It was a…
Read More about Graduation Day! Honoring One Mom’s Great Decision!“Time and Choices” What Every Survivor Needs
Pedro is part of a growing community of families who make it through one of life’s toughest challenges (surviving a critical illness). These families learn too much about things that happen to “everyone else”. They work tirelessly at finding ways to save our loved ones. And when someone we know and love walks into a…
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