Posts Tagged ‘secure future’
Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?
You can only learn so much about a product from a brochure or website and you know that every company has a Marketing Team working hard behind the scenes to position their product or service in the best light possible. How can we, the consumer, really determine whether a product is, or is not, for…
Read More about Why Did I Choose PFP | The Family Security Plan®?Are You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich Generation
An increasing number of Americans between the ages of 45 to 65 years find themselves caught in the challenging position of caring for their aging parents, while also raising their children or grandchildren. If you belong to this “sandwich generation” it can be a difficult juggling act. Are You Being Squeezed? Everyone’s family situation…
Read More about Are You Being Squeezed? Money Strategies For The Sandwich GenerationWhen History Repeats Itself, Where Should We Turn?
Some things have changed since the Great Depression, Some Things Remain The Same. An economic “downturn” does not need a name to have an impact on everyone. Call it a “Recession”, call it a “Depression”, who cares what it is called. It signifies tough financial times for many. So let us take a minute and…
Read More about When History Repeats Itself, Where Should We Turn?