Who does your heart beat for?

If you were asked “who does your heart beat for” what would your answer be? Your child? Your spouse? Your parents? Love is so more than a simple emotion. It’s all the little things you do each and every day for your loved ones: The care you take making your child’s lunch in the morning…

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I Am Retiring Happy; You Can Too!

Each day, approximately ten thousand baby boomers celebrate their 65th Birthday. The age of 65 is most commonly recognized as “the age of retirement”; however, boomers are taking a different approach. While retirement used to mean the end of one’s working years, we now see a growing number of Americans working beyond the age of…

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Parents: How can life insurance help ensure that your children fulfill their dreams?

No matter what the circumstances, the life of a parent is never easy. You are not only mom or dad; you are their teacher, coach, cheerleader, chef, driver, listener, supporter, nurse, and financial provider. You rarely wear just one of these hats but find yourself juggling many at the same time. No matter what hat, or…

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