Posts Tagged ‘afford’
Who Owns More Than One Life Insurance Policy?
It is raining outside and your car is parked at the back of the lot, about ¼ of a mile away! You are lucky because you have your rain coat on and your umbrella in your hand. You are prepared. And as you step into the foyer, you hold your umbrella with confidence in your hand and…
Read More about Who Owns More Than One Life Insurance Policy?We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!
The greatest companies to trust are the ones that have a unifying core belief. The people who work in these companies wake up in the morning with an unsaid mission that drives them forward and brings them closer to their true purpose. That is exactly why PFP | The Family Security Plan® team is special. …
Read More about We Believe In . . . From The FSP Community!Are You Prepared to Retire Cold Turkey? Semi-Retirement and Part-Time Employment
If you are approaching the Golden Age of Retirement, chances are you have dedicated a significant number of years to the workforce. The transition of working full-time to the life of a retiree can be an abrupt and difficult change. Will you have enough to occupy your time? Is your Retirement savings adequate for maintaining…
Read More about Are You Prepared to Retire Cold Turkey? Semi-Retirement and Part-Time EmploymentYour Career: Is It Time For a Change?
As an 18-year old going off to college for the first time are you really prepared to answer the question, “What do you want to do with your life?” For many college students, making new friends, cheering on the school’s sports teams, and staying out late on a school night, top the bucket list. Flash…
Read More about Your Career: Is It Time For a Change?