Do You Have a Healthy Heart?


Heart Disease is the number one killer of women in the United States claiming more lives than all forms of cancer.  It is estimated that 80% of cardiac events could be prevented if women made the right choices for their heart when it comes to exercising, diet and not smoking. Know your risk factors.  Heart disease does not discriminate.  All women are at risk.

Does Heart Disease Affect Young Women?

Meet Tara, a PFP | The Family Security Plan® policyholder. At the age of 33, Tara was on the top of the world.  She was so excited to be a new mother and had recently given birth to her son, Christopher. Image Celebrating the good news, she went out for dinner with family and friends. While she was dining, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. As the night went on, the pain worsened and she had difficulty breathing. Luckily for Tara, her family took her immediately to the hospital where to everyone’s surprise she was having a heart attack. How could that be at age 33? Luckily for the quick thinking of her family and the medical staff at the hospital, Tara was immediately rushed into surgery for an emergency angioplasty. It has been over ten years since that event happened and we are happy to report that Tara is fine. Tara’s story is unfortunate proof that heart disease does not spare the young.  Heart disease does not discriminate based on age or overall health.

Know Your Heart Risk Factors:

Many of the risk factors for heart disease can be treated such as obesity, exercise and diabetes.  Other factors cannot be controlled such as:

  • Age- Most women with heart disease are 55 and older. Your chance of developing heart disease increases after menopause.
  • Heredity- You family history for heart disease increases your risk.
  • Ethnicity- African Americans, Mexican Americans and American Indians have a higher incidence of heart disease.

Women of all ages and ethnicity should be concerned about heart disease and make heart healthy choices.

Know your risk factors – check out this article from the American Heart Association.

We are here for you!

PFP | The Family Security Plan® wants you to know that you are worth protecting! Our Critical Illness Insurance policy provides a lump sum cash benefit paid directly to you upon the first diagnosis of a covered critical illness. Upon diagnosis, we send a check directly to you. You can use your cash benefit however you choose. To help with everyday living expenses, pay out-of-pocket medical costs or replace lost income. Your benefit is paid in full regardless of any other insurance you may have.

For more information on critical illness coverage, visit our Critical Illness Insurance page or call 855-789-4976 to speak with a dedicated PFP | The Family Security Plan® Representative.

BY Robin Fox, RHU, CSA


  1. Sean McGinley on February 10, 2014 at 9:11 am

    Great article about our policy holders.

  2. Joyce on February 10, 2014 at 10:26 am

    Such an important message for all women! Many of us are too quick to minimize our own discomfort attributing it to simple, innocuous causes. We tend to forget our bodies are designed to offer signs/symptoms of potential problems. The key is to better attune ourselves to hearing, understanding and acting on them before a life threating episode occurs!

  3. Mike Davis on February 10, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    This knowlegde will help us to be more preventative and mimizes our potential problems. I agree we need to be better attune to our health to live longer healthier lives.

  4. J.R Wood Sr on February 11, 2014 at 7:52 pm

    I will be sure to share these statistics and Tara’s story with members when presenting our critical illness coverage!